Thai Health’s Songkran…Nah Nah by MediaCom Thailand and mInt

Songkran Nah Nah by MediaCom Thailand and MINT

AD SHOWCASE – Thai Health Promotion Foundation’s Songkran…Nah Nah
by MediaCom Thailand and mInt


Songkran is Thailand’s biggest annual festival and national holiday – known for a week of celebrations and marked as Thailand’s traditional New Year. With high spirits and anticipation for the celebrations, unfortunately comes carelessness about drinking and driving, in particular amongst the youth generation who often exceed speed limits and on motorbikes.


According to an official records, death rates can double within this period compared to other festival periods across the year. The job of MediaCom Thailand and mInt, assigned by Thai Health Promotion Foundation was to tackle this heads on and create a campaign to raise awareness amongst this audience to ‘don’t drive under the influence of alcohol’.


From our extensive research and insights, we found that amongst target audience, they have real affinity to dance music, being free spirited and a high-level of self-adornment and self-love. Our solution was take these traits and habits and create social media first campaign in Thailand that addresses the concept of losing everything… “so if you drink and drive you will die, your girlfriend will find a new partner”. With that in mind we teamed up with a leading Electronic Dance Duo, Double Tap and Thailand’s sweetheart, Patty – Thai’s national sweetheart and counting to create a music video called “SongKran, Nah, Nah”




Jirat Arinrith – Executive Creative Director
Kaweewat Tantrakul – Creative Director
Suchira Bunsap – Project Manager
Piyawan Khwanngam – Account & Digital Director
Channadda Narktrakoon – Digital Media Planning Supervisor

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